2013. november 25., hétfő


Az előadásom nagyon jól sikerült, ami múlthét csütörtökön volt és azt fogom nektek ma bemutatni angolul. Aki nem tud angolul annak a végén lesz egy link, ami az előző blogomra vezet titeket vissza és ott megtaláljátok az eredeti  vágatlan szöveget szenelt formában.  Nagyon sokat segítettek nekem például a szöveg lefordításában és a végén a kérdések, és a válaszaim tolmácsolásában és persze nem elfelejtendő nagyon sokat segítettek a helyes kiejtés megtanulásában.

 Tehát az előadásom:

I am going to talk about dyslexia. And I choose this because l am a person with dyslexia, and I hope that you will understand my situation a bit better after this presentation.

What is dyslexia?

So, if a kid has no visual or hearing problems, has no nervous system illness, is intelligent, and dispite of all these not able to learn to read, that kid has probably dyslexia.
Five to seven percent of the children have dyslexia, and there are more boys affected than girls. The ratio is around four to one.
It is interesting that same amount of girls and boys born with dyslexia, but girls can handle dyslexia better than boys. Boys are more demotivated in the beginning of the school.
We born with dyslexia, school can not make you a persons with dyslexia. Before they go to school there are already signs of difference compared to normal kids.

I have started to speak in the same time as my sister has, who is two years younger than me. She was nine mounths old, and i was three years old. Ever since she has been more talkative than I am.

Let’s have dyslexia for a second! Write down your name with your goofy hand!!

Since the left side makes the connections and orders between things, not only the reading can be a problem, but understanding the logical operations, relations, and series can be a problem as well.

Because of this, it is very important to call the help of the right side of the brain during the learning process. This can be achived with musik, rhythm, or drawing.

While i was drafting this presentation, i was listening to musik, because typing was more easy for me that way.

How do people with dyslexia differ from the average people?

There are several cognitive fields that can be problematic for a person with dyslexia, and the seriousness of the problems are always individual.

And of course there are problems that are caused by the failure in learning to read. The problems start to manifestate in the first class of school.
Children react in two different ways on this problem:
1.    Either they get concerned, defiant and hard to handle. Which is actually quite useful, becase this way teachers notice the problem earlier.
2.    Or they get anxious and stay calm, so that is harder to realize that there is a problem.
As you might have noticed already I belong to the second group, which makes it very difficult for me to learn English. If you are not talkative enough it is hard to improve in any languages, because you are not actively trying to speak.


This pyramid-shaped poem was written by an unknown poet with dyslexia, and I wanted to show you because I think this represents really well how much our way of thinking differs from  average people’s.
On the slide you can see the Hungarian version, so that you know how does it look like, and also the English version so that you can understand the poem.
Ont he next few slides I am going to show you some famous people with dyslexia, who were very successful in life dispite of their problem. 

Itt voltak a kérdések és abból is idéznék egy párat:
- Miben hátráltat a tanuláson kívül a diszlexiám?
         Szerzödések utcatáblák elolvasása.
Milyen háttér jelentése van számomra az I ♥ DYSLEXIA motívumnak? (csak hogy ez a diában is szerepel és van egy ilyen feliratos pulcsim is)
            Nem tudok rajta sokat rajta változtatni ezért együtt élek vele. 
- Hol kaptam először segítséget a dyslexiával kapcsolatban?
         Először egy speciális iskolában, a Waldorf iskolában másodiktól.
- Látok e előnyt abba hogy én dyslexiás vagyok?
         Igen rengeteg olyan helyre eljutottam és rengeteg olyan embert meg ismertem, akit amúgy nem valószínű.
Az előadásom után a levetítetem egy kis videót a dyslexiárol az angolul van itt a link: VIDEÓ.
Az előadás magyarul és vágatlan szöveggel megtekinthető az előző balogomon szkennert formában, aminek ez a címe (a címére kattintva ara az egy bizonyos bejegyzésre ugrik a blogon): AZ ÉN DISZLEXIÁM 

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